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Major & Career Goals

       Major- I am majoring in exercise science, with a passion of personal training. I initially chose this major, with an unchosen career path, but knew there are plenty of opportunities and different paths to take from this major. With my background as an athlete, growing up in the gym, I knew I was on the correct path for me. My interest have always been surrounded by physical activity and health/wellness, so there was no other option for me that I was truly passionate about. My past has inspired me to want to help lead others to learn how to be strong and healthy. With the hours I already spend in the gym and the strong emotion I have for wanting to help women especially, feel more confident in the gym, I knew personal training is the correct  career path. I know I was a beginner once, and I want to use this opportunity to give back to others who were like me when I was once in their shoes, not knowing where to start or being afraid of starting. My absolute goal for this major is to take and make sure of all the knowledge I have been taught, and to seize every opportunity to be able to better my clients one day. 





         For my career goals, I ultimately hope to have a meaningful purpose or impact in my clients lives. I want to be able to do a career choice that I love as well. My career choice I am looking to be a personal trainer. I have had many interactions with personal trainers/strength & conditioning coaches from being involved in sports for so many years, and have enjoyed some, and not enjoyed others. I want to take what I have seen my past interactions with personal trainers and provide them with the best experience and knowledge possible. Another career goal of mine is to eventually open a gym. As stated above, I feel many women are intimidated to enter and gym or are uneducated on where to begin. I want to be able to help women overcome this fear, with providing a safe comfortable space in my own gym. I would like to create a women's only gym, with women trainers to provide a nurturing environment.

Since progressing in my major I have gotten my certificate in Personal Training from ACSM. One step I have taken to progress my knowledge while still in school is obtaining a job as a kickboxing instructor at a women's only gym. This experience has widened my knowledge on not only leading and instructing group fitness but I also get the opportunity to learn what goes into creating a successful business. My biggest takeaway from this experience is I get the opportunity to push women beyond what they are capable of and in return I get to see them make the progress physically and mentally they desire.  

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