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Involvement and Impact

Camp Brosius 

Camp Brosius played a pivotal role in my professional development, fostering leadership skills, teamwork, and resilience. The immersive summer experience equipped me with the tools to navigate challenges, communicate effectively, and cultivate a strong work ethic. The lessons learned in that unique environment continue to influence my career, shaping me into the capable professional I am today.

Prior to camp we had to take a quiz that lead to us learning our 5 top strengths. I learned mine, in order, are empathy, harmony, deliberative, relator, and consistency. We were put into families based off of our strengths and how we could work well together to problem solve the challenges of the week. We also worked on other strengths that were not our best to improve upon these. Leaving camp I feel much more confidence in my leadership style and how I can effectively lead a group of people. 


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Exercise Video 

For one of my classes, theory's of cardiorespiratory fitness, we were assigned to create a workout video. My group created a workout video geared towards older adults, using the step. We had the video themed 80's music to encourage more of that generation to join. Throughout making the video with my group, I reflected that creating a fitness video actually sparked my interest, and I would be willing to do it again. I also learned that a task that seemed so daunting and difficult to complete could be done successful with proper planning.


Resistance Training Plan

In my class 373, I was instructed to create a training plan for 1 whole year for a person of choice. My partner and I created a plan for a high school cross country athlete. Their plan consisted of running training, resistance training, and stretch days. We planned for the in season training, post season, and pre season. This assignment taught me how to use cycles and gave me the confidence to create a long term training plan. 



For my experience in P443, I got the opportunity to personal train my client Lauren. Through this experience I learned how to program design, advanced my communication skills, implemented workout plans with clients, and developed myself as a professional. A few instances that stand out from my experience are throughout the semester working with Lauren, I was able to get her to run for one of her final post-assessments something she had not done in years. This moment was significant to me because I learned I am able to have a real impact on a clients fitness journey and I am capable of motivating and pushing clients towards their potential. To summarize my experience I would fit it into these 6 words below: I chose these descriptive words because my experience was very supportive of my professional growth as a student.








SITE Teaching

My final semester at IUPUI I had the opportunity to lead a group fitness class for a group of SITE students. In this experience I got to teach the SITE students from IPS about different group fitness classes and introduce different ways to stay active and prepare them for independence. A specific moment that stands out to be is when we taught a dance class with the help of our instructor. Seeing the way the students were much more involved and interactive than usual, it was a significant moment to see when you can learn to likes/dislikes you can program to get greater involvement and responses. 6 words to sum up my overall experience with teaching the SITE students are sentimental, impactful, fulfilled, bittersweet, cultivating, and educational. I chose these descriptive words because my overall experience working with the students was significant to developing myself as a professional, but also as a person.

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